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Saturday, October 16, 2010

[Fadli Wdt Blog] 5 Alasan Anda Perlu Makan Apel, Sekarang!

Apel merupakan buah yang cukup mudah didapatkan. Rasanya yang manis dan segar cocok dijadikan kudapan langsung, atau dijadikan jus, salad, bahkan cake. Namun bukan hanya rasanya yang menakjubkan, apel juga memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan. Anda pasti mengetahui berbagai manfaat apel bagi kesehatan sehari-hari. Jadi, kenapa tak mulai membiasakan diri untuk menikmatinya sebutir tiap hari?

1. Apel merupakan slow food
Buah ini mengandung serat sebanyak 5 gr, atau 20 persen dari kebutuhan asupan harian Anda. Karena keras, apel mengharuskan Anda untuk mengunyah dengan sabar, dan hal ini bisa memberikan sinyal pada tubuh bahwa Anda kenyang, sebelum Anda terlalu banyak mengonsumsi kalori. Pemanis alami dalam apel memasuki aliran darah secara bertahap, membantu Anda menjaga kadar gula darah dan tingkat insulin tetap stabil, sehingga Anda merasa kenyang lebih lama. Hal ini kebalikan dari snack dengan pemanis buatan, yang membuat Anda cepat lapar kembali.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

[Fadli Wdt Blog] Dermaga Kartini Jepara

Suasana Dermaga Kartini Jepara yang merupakan tempat turun naik KMP Muria jurusan Jepara-Karimun Jawa.

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Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[Fadli Wdt Blog] Livery Baru Pelita Air

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[Fadli Wdt Blog] Livery Baru Pelita Air

IMG00050 20100907 1555

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

[Fadli Wdt Blog] Sederhanakan Hidupmu, Teman!

Teman saya kemarin bercerita kepada saya (curhat lebih tepatnya, hehe). Dia bercerita tentang perjuangan dia untuk mendapatkan sang pujaan hatinya yang sudah lama dia kejar. Akan tetapi, ketika dia sudah mengeluarkan seluruh tenaga, pikiran, waktu, uang, strategi, serta berulang kali menyatakan cintanya kepada sang pujaan hati, tapi tetep saja hasilnya mentok juga.

Lalu saya spontan bilang ke dia ketika dia sudah selesai bercerita, “Ya sudah! Gak usah dikejar lagi toh! Wong kamu juga sudah berusaha! Simple-kan hidup loe, friend! Kalo dia ga mau, ya sudah cari yang lain, gak usah ngoyo dan berpikir ribet.”

Saya mengatakan itu, walaupun kedengarannya sedikit kasar, tetapi untuk kebaikan dia juga. Begitu juga dengan permasalahan kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Banyak sekali hal-hal kompleks yang sebenarnya tidak perlu diperdalam lagi.

Kalau sudah terlanjut pusing, ya sudah jalan keluarnya adalah SIMPLE-kan masalahmu! Kalau di atas masalahnya sedikit “berat”, saya akan kasih contoh sederhana.

Misalnya, kamu terlambat datang ke kampus atau sekolah sehingga ketinggalan sebuah mata kuliah atau pelajaran. Ya tak usah dipikirkan dengan sangat menyesal sampai hampir bunuh diri. Simple-kan! Kamu SMS teman kamu saja untuk mencatat lengkap apa yang diajarkan oleh dosen, lalu ketika kelas sudah bubar, ya kamu catat ulang. Simple ‘kan? Misalnya juga kamu mendapat masalah di perkerjaan, lalu kena PHK. Ya sudah simple-kan masalahnya. Segera cari pekerjaan lain atau coba buka usaha sendiri dengan meminjam modalnya.

Intinya berpikir simple saja, dan cepat-cepat cari solusinya, biar waktu tidak terbuang percuma karena kamu hanya memikirkan masalahnya saja.

Saya akan ambil ilustrasi terakhir (saya tahu ini dari kerabat dekat saya). Bagaimana cara makan gajah? Apa makan sekaligus atau dimakan kecil-kecil dulu? Pastinya jawabannya kecil-kecil dulu, kupingnya dulu, lalu hidungnya, mungkin lalu makan kakinya, sampai akhirnya semua habis. Nah cerita ilustrasi ini bisa kamu praktikkan dalam konteks masalah sehari-hari. Jika kamu dibebankan perkerjaan dari bos atau tugas dari sekolah yang besar dan susah, mari sederhanakan! Kamu bisa mengerjakan yang kamu anggap mudah terlebih dahulu. “Makan”yang kecil-kecil dulu, setahap demi setahap, sampai tidak terasa kalau tugas atau masalahmu yang besar itu sudah selesai!

Teman-teman, di luar itu, membuat pola pikir kita menjadi simple juga tidak mudah. Makanya, coba deh memikirkan sesuatu dari hal-hal yang kecil dulu, atau dari hal yang ada di sekitar kamu dulu saja. Enggak usah langsung memikirkan yang susah-susah.

Selamat mencoba, kawan :D

Monday, April 26, 2010

[Fadli Wdt Blog] Selalu Salah di Mata Kekasih

Hubungan menjadi tidak sehat bila Anda terus-menerus mengalami kekerasan emosional

Saat menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang, Anda mungkin berpikir telah menemukan orang yang tepat. Segala sesuatu mengenai dirinya terasa sangat sempurna, terutama di awal hubungan.

Seiring berjalannya hubungan, Anda seringkali dengan mudah menoleransi sikapnya atau mengubah diri sendiri untuk menyenangkan hatinya.

Tapi, seiring berjalannya waktu, pasangan mulai menunjukkan karakter aslinya. Tak jarang ancaman kekerasan emosional mulai tampak dalam hubungan kalian berdua. Sedikit tindakan salah akan membuatnya marah dan begitu mudah mencaci Anda.

Friday, April 16, 2010

[Creative Art and Craft] Summer Slippers

It's hot here. Very hot. And it's only going to get hotter as the summer
goes on. So what's a gal to do when she wants to shuffle around the house
in her comfies but it's to hot for her trusted slippers? She makes summer
slippers! These slippers give you something soft and stylish to lounge
around in while trying to stay cool.

You will need: at least one flip flip that fits your foot, some vinyl,
cotton fabric for the top of the slippers (call it your main fabric),
muslin or something that kind of matches your main fabric (this fabric is
not meant to be seen but you might get a little bit peeking out of the
edge of your slippers so pick something that will be camouflaged), bias
tape 1/2 inch wide or fabric to make your own bias tape, for the straps
and batting (I used polyester because it is fluffier and it will hold up
better under my feet).

Also handy: disappearing fabric marker, bias tape maker (if you're going
to make your own) and a walking foot for your machine. You don't have to
use one but I did. Now that i have one I find myself using it more often
than not. It's awesome.

1. On the back side of your vinyl, plop down your stinky old flip flop
and trace the sole using a disappearing marker. Now fold the vinyl over on
itself, right sides together and pin around the sole outline so you have
two layers of vinyl. Don't pin inside of the outline because the pins
will leave visible holes in the vinyl. It doesn't bounce back like
regular fabric. Once you're pinned, cut along the outline. Now you have
a sole for each foot!

2. Use one of your vinyl soles as a template and lay it over your main
fabric and your muslin, each folded in half, right sides together. Trace
around the soul, about 1/2 in away from the edge of the vinyl. This does
not have to be perfect. If you're scared, give yourself more than 1/2 of
an inch. Now pin it all together and cut on the line.
Repeat this step with the batting. I used two layers of batting for each
slipper which means you need to cut out four pieces. Remember to add the
roughly 1/2 in seam around the batting as well!

3. Layer your pieces as so: two pieces of batting on the bottom, muslin
in the middle and main fabric, right side down, on top. Be sure you've
got right and left foot accounted for. Pin it all together (I
didn't...I'm sorry, I'm reckless).

4. Now take one of your vinyl soles and center it over one of the little
stacks that you just made. Trace around the exact edge or the vinyl, then
put the vinyl aside. This is your sewing line. Sew along that line,
around the entire perimeter of the stack, leaving a two to three inch
opening on one side for turning.

Repeat with the other stack.

5. Trim the seam allowance to 1/4 of an inch on both slippers.
Now turn the insole right side out, so that the main fabric is on top, the
muslin is on the bottom and the batting is in the middle. Make sure that
the seam allowance on the opening is tucked inside, feel free to press it
if you want.

5. For the strap, I made my own not-on-the-bias tape (it doesn't need to
be cut on the bias for this). I cut a two inch wide strip of fabric,
then I fed it through my bias tape tool and pressed. If you don't have
one of these, for this project you can just fold the two sides of the
strip into the center and press.
Then fold the whole thing in half and press, so that you have half inch
tape. You can of course use premade bias tape.
Next, sew along the open edge of your tape like so:
You need 12 inches of tape for each slipper.

6. Put your turned out insoles on the floor and center your feet over
each one. With your disappearing marker, make a mark in between your
first and second toes on each insole. This is where you are going to sew
down the center of your strap.
Cut a 12 inch piece of the strap. Pin the strap to the insole where you
marked between your toes. The strap should be perpendicular to the insole
(like a cross) and there should be five inches of strap pointing towards
the inside (where your big toe is) and seven inches of strap on the other
side. Sew over the strap at the between your toes mark, back stitching
several times.

7. Put the slipper back on the floor and put your foot back on it, this
time with the straps coming up from between your big and second toes. You
want to mark where the straps will be sewn on the edge of the slipper so
pull them over your toes to fit your feet. They should be tight enough to
stay on but loose enough that they are easy to slip on. Make a diagonal
mark on the straps, where they meet the side seams and mark the side of
the slipper, on either side of the straps. Take your foot out and pin the
straps in place, lining up the marks and wrapping the excess strap under
the insole.
Trim the straps so that there is only 1/2 an inch pinned underneath the

8. Lay the insoles on the vinyl soles, wrong sides together and edge
stitch all of the way around the slipper, over the straps and closing the
opening you left for turning. If necessary, trim the vinyl to match the

Done! Now get comfy and stay cool!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

[Creative Art and Craft] Easy Cell Phone Cozy From Eco Felt

Everyone these days has a cell phone - or at least most everyone I know
does. If you like cell phones but hate carrying them around in your hand,
putting them in your pocket, or skipping them to your belt then you're
going to love Molly's cell phone cozy

Uh-oh...your cell phone is ringing. Can you actually find it in the bottom
of your purse in time to answer it? Has everyone in the store become
familiarized with your ringtone yet? Oh if only you could just grab it and
answer the thing!

Yeah. That's my mom. Which is why for her birthday I made her a cell phone
cozy from incredibly affordable eco felt and grosgrain ribbon.

I could have bought her one, but she uses a pretty big purse and I wanted
one that would hang safely inside, long enough she could zip her purse and
not have problems. Plus I just like making my gifts. :)

I've never made a cell phone cozy before, didn't have a pattern and didn't
have a clue how to blanket-stitch but that was the plan! Here's how I did

I started by stealing her phone and measuring its size on my selected

Then I cut out two equally sized pieces using all my handy rulers, grids
and a rotary cutter. I made sure to leave a little extra room on all sides
to allow for my stitching.

One side of the pocket would have to be short enough to see the top of the
phone when it was inside otherwise you wouldn't be able to grab it easily,
so that side is trimmed. In the photo I'm indicating where I decided to
trim mine. The other side would have to be much longer so I could create a
loop that would hold the ribbon, so that side is not trimmed.

I knew I wanted an embellishment on the front of the cozy so to get that
started I freehand drew on regular lined paper one of my favorite things -
a flower!

Using a Sharpie I traced around my pattern onto the felt and cut them out.
I figured the flower would look better with a little depth so I cut one of
the flowers smaller and cut a small round for a center.

I glued them together and onto the front of the cozy using a glue designed
for felt projects. This will keep your design in place until you are ready
for stitching.

The felt glue takes quite a while to dry, but it works pretty well. Of
course, not well enough that I would trust everything to stick together
while being banged around and squished inside a purse so I put a single
stitch through the flower middle and the middle of each leaf.

Next I used pins to secure my two sides of the cozy together and followed
this tutorial on blanket stitching to hold the sides of my pocket

For this part I didn't divide my embroidery thread so I'd have nice, thick
stitches and I also chose a color that would disappear to hide any
mistakes, haha! But I think it's customary for this kind of stitching to
choose a color that complements and yet stands out.

Also, be sure to cut a large enough piece of thread to take you through to
the end!

It was actually pretty easy!

Then I needed to make my pocket for the ribbon. I folded the felt over
enough to accomodate the ribbon and blanket stitched along the edge.

Um...don't look too closely at the stitches on this part, it gave me some

Then I used a small crochet hook to push my ribbon through.

I cut a small piece of velcro and stitched it to the ribbon ends, careful
to secure it and not tear up the ribbon. Using some Stop Fray or something
similar would probably be helpful at this step to prevent the ribbon from
coming apart on you.

And make sure you get each side of the velcro on the correct side of the

And there you have it!

My mom loved it and also loves not having to dig around her purse for her
cell phone when it rings!