Cara tercepat ngilangin one-itis kalo menurut gw sih…spend some intimite time with 3,5,7,10 other girls…ngedate sama 3,5,7 atau 10 cewek lain dalam tempo sesingkat2nya that's why you have to be chasing multiple girls at any given time, so if one of them gives you trouble, the heck with her, you have other girls wanting to be down with you:) you just don't give a damn, you just don't have time to give a damn, you're got too much action going on elsewhere…….trus lo review…dan most of the time…akhirnya lo nyadar "hmmm…she's not that special"…..percaya deh bro, i've been there before (long…long…long time ago;) so i knew this shit firsthand
Ok dokie…ini memang gak bisa dijelaskan pake logika…yap kata orang2 tua cuma 2 hal didunia yg gak bisa dijelaskan pake logika yaitu cinta dan perang.
Mungkin ada yg wondering gw pernah one-itis gak…gw yakin semua orang pernah ya at some point in their life…? hehehe ya gw pernah 1x dulu…dulu banget jaman tahun gajah;) kan gw juga manusia and i tell u what…one-itis is useless…
Lesson learned: if u let your emotional side run the show, one thing for sure: u will be hit hard by one-itis….
Tau gak, secara statistik kemungkinan manusia tersambar petir 3,5 kali lebih besar dari terkena one-itis…tapi kenyataannya lebih banyak orang yg terkena one-itis….
itulah keanehan alam….yeah kata orang luv gak bisa dijelaskan secara matematik
There's nothing wrong with liking one person more than others. But the most important thing to remember is if you focus to hard on a single entity is that you develop what I call tunnel vision.Tunnel vision blinds you to everything that goes on around you, focus your thoughts on this one person. All in all you have placed her value way beyond yours.
And when one person's expectations don't match the other person's, then whoever holds the highest expectations suffers.
The Symptoms
People in this mode of thinking may say things like:
She's the one
I've never met a girl like her
I don't think I can find somebody I can relate to like her
This is all bullshit. There are plenty of women out there…
How to Avoid this Disease (approach phase)
Make sure that she's not the only game in town…
How to Avoid this Disease (when you're in relationship)
-Show her your willingness to walk away…..women do love anticipation u dick head…give it to her……tapi tentu aja berat kalo lo devote waktu elo cuma buat dia…
-Force yourself to see her : short term prospects, with potential LTR. (LTR: Long Term Relationship)
the idea of her that you have in your mind often isn't the reality of who she really are at that moment in time. It's just an ideal you're projecting on whatever woman happens along. So in reality, you're not in love with this woman, you're in love with what you have convinced yourself she represents. And she can't be…what she aint
How to Cure the Disease
GDTOW….go date ten other women…make it clear that your world doesn't stop for her. It's her loss not yours. move on you've got a line of girls who do want to talk to you….tentu saja sulit coz si marudut gak sekeren gw….hahahahahahaha…no offense mean dude.
Yayayayayaa gak segampang itu…kata orang2 "NOTHING WORTH LEARNING CAN BE TAUGHT"….artinya lo harus punya jam terbang tinggi baru lo "ngeh"…kalo kata tukul "flying watch"…and you can call me lucky bastard if u pleased…coz i got plenty of "flying watch" under my belt, just like you guys i win some lose some, i'm human too….rite the only difference (if any) is: i never let my failure get in the way…or affect my next mission…
Si sigmund freud aja yang tersohor bilang "what do women want?" padahal dia udah neliti cewek 30 tahun, trus salah satu quote si mbah sigmund tentang one-itis yg masih gw ingat
"Human beings are funny. they long to be with people they love but refuse to admit openly. some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. fear that maybe their feeling may not be recognized or even worse returned. but one thing about human being that puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be remotely connected with their object of affection, even if it kills them slowly within"
Anyway kalo visitor blog ini baca tulisan di atas mungkin rada2 "sounds mean….harsh…rude….emotionless" gitu dee ya…whether u believe it or not….that's just the way it is…not fair for some but it's life, right? sometimes it seems unfair…….there's up…down….bumpy road…just believe one thing: there's must be something good waiting at the other end…
Kalo ada yg bilang cam betul kali…cam expert aja….hahaha I'M NOT EXPERT BY ANY MEANS…BUT I DO KNOW THINGS OR TWO…we will get into that later on my next post….
My last (but not least) word;)….btw diatas kan gw bilang one-itis tu useless, tapi untuk beberapa keadaan, misalnya you get reciprocated one-itis, stick with her….she's worth it….jarang2 lo bisa dapat yg one-itis sama elo dan elonya one-itis sama dia….ya gak
Btw ini definisi one-itis gw ambil dari urbandictionary
oneitis often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion. "Go date ten other women" is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.
In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it's just an illusion. There's really not much to worry about
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